günther von kluge schlachten und kriege

[55] General Heinz Guderian, Inspector of Armoured Forces, argued against the operation, stating "the attack was pointless". Amid deteriorating conditions and starvation in the camp, Organisation Todt appealed to Kluge to release 10,000 skilled workers. Kluge was aware of the plotters' activities but refused to offer his support unless Hitler was killed. Juli 1940 Günther von Kluge und weitere elf deutsche Heerführer zu Generalfeldmarschällen befördert. [4], He had the nickname der kluge Hans ("Clever Hans") after a German horse that could supposedly do arithmetic. [2], Kluge believed Hitler's "crude militarism" would lead Germany into disaster. The order was later rescinded, and women in uniform were to be captured instead. [60], On 27 October 1943, Kluge was badly injured in a car accident. Armeekorps sowie Befehlshaber im Wehrkreis VI (Münster). The 4th Army crossed the river, sealing the Polish 9th Infantry Division, 27th Infantry Division, and the Pomeranian Cavalry Brigade in the Corridor. He viewed Kluge's actions as interference, which led to friction and "clashes" with his superior, as he wrote in a letter home on 6 October. [40] OB West) ernannt und am 17. Diese Weisung trat am Folgetag in Kraft. Ginter Adolf Ferdinand fon Kluge (nem. [72][73], A final offensive, Operation Tractable, was launched by Canadian forces on 14 August in conjunction with American advances northward toward Chambois; their goal was to encircle and destroy the German 7th Army and 5th Panzer Army near the town of Falaise. Biografi Tiden till och med första världskriget. Dezember 2020 um 20:01 Uhr bearbeitet. August, dass er ihm immer treu geblieben sei und er die Selbsttötung als einzigen Ausweg zu seiner Ehrerhaltung sehe. Kluge went on to command the 4th Army in Operation Barbarossa (the invasion of the Soviet Union) and the Battle for Moscow in 1941. Kluge declined, wishing to make the decisions regarding the prisoners himself. In Kluge's area of command, 100,000 POWs and 40,000 civilians were herded into a small open-air camp in Minsk in July 1941. in das am 13. Historian David Stahel wrote that this assessment grossly overestimated the capabilities of Kluge's remaining forces. Preuss. Am 13. [24], Expecting a short war that would not necessitate the exploitation of Soviet labour for the German war effort, the German High Command and military leadership did not make adequate preparations to house prisoners-of-war and civilian internees. 46 in Altona ein. [78], On 15 August, Kluge's car was damaged in an Allied bombing and he was cut off from all contact with his forces for several hours. August sein Hauptquartier und begab sich zu einer Besprechung mit den Führungsoffizieren der 7. [44][45] As the last Soviet resistance in the Third Battle of Kharkov petered out, Erich von Manstein, commander of Army Group South, attempted to persuade Kluge to immediately attack the Soviet Central Front, which was defending the northern face of the salient. Generalfeldmarschall Günther von Kluge im Herbst 1942 auf dem Weg zur Befehlsausgabe 30jähriger Krieg 1618 - 1632, erste Hälfte Schlachten 1626 Lutter am Barenberge Einführung, Schlachtaufstellung, Schlachtbericht Kluge promised Goerdeler that he would arrest Hitler the next time he came to the Eastern Front. [7], In preparation for Fall Gelb ("Case Yellow"), the invasion of France, Kluge and the 4th Army were transferred to Army Group A under the command of Gerd von Rundstedt. Februar 1930 ernannte man ihn gleichzeitig zum Kommandeur des 2. August 1944 bei Verdun; auch bekannt als Hans Günther von Kluge) war ein deutscher Heeresoffizier (seit 1940 Generalfeldmarschall) und während des Zweiten Weltkrieges Oberbefehlshaber der 4. Ausgabe 01/11Archiv > Blick in ein Heft. Thus looting, pillaging, and abuse of the civilian population was rampant, especially in the areas to the rear. Armee-Korps in Münster stationiert; zu dieser Zeit hielten sich ebenfalls seine Frau und seine jüngere Tochter dort auf. Kluge's corps advanced rapidly, reaching the Meuse in two days. A distinguished commander, Max was a lieutenant general in the Prussian Army who served in the First World War; he married Elise Kühn-Schuhmann in 1881. [8], By the following day, apprehensions of a strong Polish defensive line along the Brda River had not materialized. Günther Adolf Ferdinand von[a] Kluge (30 October 1882 – 19 August 1944), also known as Hans Günther von Kluge, was a German field marshal during World War II who held commands on both the Eastern and Western Fronts. Die nächsten Ernennungen und Beförderungen von Kluges waren jene zum Generalmajor und Inspekteur der Nachrichtentruppe am 1. Kluge accepted the money. Er war auch derjenige, der nach dem Gefecht um das polnische Postamt in Danzig noch im September 1939 die Todesurteile für die polnischen Verteidiger bestätigte. 19. [43], On 13 March 1943, Hitler authorised several offensives, including one against the Kursk salient. Amid the crisis of the Soviet counter-offensive in December 1941, Kluge was promoted to command Army Group Centre replacing Field Marshal Fedor von Bock. Günther Adolf Ferdinand von Kluge; Poznanj, 30. oktobar 1882 — Mec, 17. avgust 1944) je bio nemački feldmarÅ¡al, koji je bio jedan od najsposobnijih Hitlerovih komandanata na Istočnom frontu.Osim na Istočnom frontu, učestvovao je u Poljskoj i Francuskoj kampanji. Er stieg 1943 in den Rang eines Generalleutnants in der Wehrmacht auf und befehligte mehrere Divisionen. This was part of the bribery of senior Wehrmacht officers scheme. Geburtstags erhielt er 1942 eine Dotation Hitlers über 250.000 Reichsmark. Schlachten, die nicht eindeutig bestimmten Kriegen zugeordnet werden können, sind grau hinterlegt. Kluge was never a Nazi and he obeyed Hitler’s orders simply because all army personnel had sworn an … [15] Kluge's forces—particularly the 7th Panzer Division—achieved a rapid breakthrough from their bridgehead in the following days; between 16 and 17 May Rommel captured 10,000 prisoners and 100 tanks, and wiped out the remainder of the French 9th Army at the expense of only 35 casualties. Only the 20th Panzer Division was advancing towards Moscow amid deteriorating road conditions. Zudem nahmen sie an, dass von Kluge möglicherweise deswegen nicht zu erreichen sei, weil er im Begriff sei, eine Kapitulation seiner Einheiten vorzubereiten. Following a lengthy recuperation, Kluge was appointed OB West (Supreme Commander West) in occupied France in July 1944, after his predecessor, Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, was dismissed for defeatism. Kluge threatened harsh measures against those responsible, along with their superior commanders who failed to maintain discipline. [68] Between 1 and 4 August, seven divisions from the U.S. Third Army, under Lieutenant General George S. Patton, advanced rapidly through Avranches and over the bridge at Pontaubault into Brittany. Sein Bruder Wolfgang von Kluge (1892–1976) erreichte in der Wehrmacht den Rang eines Generalleutnants. Nach dem Kriege wurde er in die Reichswehr übernommen. ... Generalfeldmarschall Günther von Kluge. Generalfeldmarschall Günther von Kluge Born: 30 Oct 1882 in Posen ... Model arrived at von Kluge at La Roche-Guyon close to 20:00 hrs and handed over Hitler's handwritten letter ... am 29.10.1943 als Generalfeldmarschall und Oberbefehlshaber der Heeresgruppe Mitte - RK des Kgl. [42] The withdrawal was accompanied by a ruthless scorched-earth and security campaign, resulting in widespread destruction, razing of villages, deportation of the able-bodied population for slave labour, and killings of civilians by the troops of the Wehrmacht under the guise of "anti-partisan warfare". Kavalleriedivision in Frankfurt (Oder), Brandenburg. Am Ende seines Briefes schrieb und riet er Hitler: „Zeigen Sie nun auch die Größe, die notwendig sein wird, wenn es gilt, einen aussichtslos gewordenen Kampf zu beenden.“[6] Auf der Fahrt mit dem Auto nach Deutschland nahm von Kluge Gift in Form von Zyankali zu sich und verstarb in der Nähe von Verdun. His forces were unable to stop the momentum of the Allied invasion of Normandy, and he began to realise that the war in the West was lost. [64] Yet by 12 July, having toured the front and been briefed by field commanders, Kluge expressed his skepticism to Alfred Jodl: "I am no pessimist. Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen | September 1944 mit militärischen Ehren in unmittelbarer Nähe des Mausoleums der Familien von Briest und von Briesen beigesetzt. [58] Amid heavy fighting, the Red Army entered Orel on 5 August and, on 18 August, it reached the outskirts of Bryansk, eliminating the Orel salient. Juli 1944 zur Schlüsselfigur im Westen. Kluge was born on 30 October 1882 in Posen, then in Prussia and now western Poland. Kluge's forces were nevertheless depleted and early in 1943, he obtained authorisation to withdraw the 9th Army (General Walter Model) and elements of the 4th Army (General Gotthard Heinrici) from the salient. Juli 1927 zum Oberstleutnant befördert. [12] Hitler, still looking for an aggressive alternative to the original plan, approved Erich von Manstein's ideas, known as the Manstein Plan, following a meeting with them on 17 February 1940. Schmidt war im März 1943 Oberbefehlshaber der 2. Günther Adolf Ferdinand “Hans” von Kluge, 30 October 1882 – 17 August 1944, was a German military leader who served in World War I and World War II. Kluge was known to his colleagues as “Clever Hans”, Kluge gained a reputation for being a brilliant staff officer. [78][79] Having already learned of Hitler's survival, Kluge withdrew his support and rescinded the arrest warrants. Günther von kluge. [12] The plan outlined that the 4th Army would contribute to an attack through the rugged Ardennes terrain of southern Belgium and Luxembourg to the Meuse River; Kluge entrusted the XV Army Corps, encompassing the 5th and 7th Panzer Divisions, to provide flank cover for Georg-Hans Reinhardt's corps by crossing the Meuse at Dinant. [70] According to OB West Operations Officer Bodo Zimmermann, Kluge knew "very well that carrying out this order meant the collapse of the Normandy front", but his misgiving were ignored. A.K. Jeugd, opleiding en Eerste Wereldoorlog. He was unable to return to duty until July 1944. Manchmal aber eben auch nur als Verantwortliche, die man im günstigen Moment absetzen konnte. Eduard Freiherr von Böhm-Ermolli (ehrenhalber), Generalfeldmarschälle und Großadmirale der Wehrmacht, Philipp von Boeselager berichtet: „Kluge war (sc. [54] A number of options were put forth for comment: going on the offensive immediately with the forces at hand, delaying the offensive further to await the arrival of new and better tanks, radically revising the operation or cancelling it altogether. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. 1928 wurde er Chef des Stabes der 1. Im Ersten Weltkrieg war von Kluge als Hauptmann im Generalstab des XXI. Maler Günther Hoffmann - Schoenborn 1905 1970 deutscher Generalmajor Günther Hoffmann 1944 deutscher Schauspieler, siehe Günter Hoffmann Schauspieler Schoenborn Guenther von Kluge (1882-1944) ... Kluge, on the other hand, appeared to hold out more promise. Günther von Kluge trat 1901 als Leutnant in das Feldartillerie-Regiment 46 ein. [7] The Polish campaign commenced on 1 September, taking advantage of the country's long border with Germany. Kluge sent the 10th Panzer Division from his army across the Vistula River, meeting with the 3rd Army on 3 September. Mit Klick auf + finden Smartphone- & Tablet-User weitere Angaben über alle große Schlachten in der Geschichte der Menschheit. [1] Am 1. Generalfeldmarschall Hans-Günther von Kluge 1941 in Russland Von Kluge nahm anfangs als Oberbefehlshaber der 4. Nun wurden auch wieder die Stimmen laut, die Hitler den Verdacht der Geheimen Staatspolizei zutrugen, die von einer Verstrickung von Kluges in das Attentat vom 20. Juli 1944 sprachen. His command on the Eastern Front lasted until October 1943 when Kluge was badly injured in a car accident. [69], Against Kluge's advice to withdraw, Hitler ordered a counterattack, Operation Lüttich, between Mortain and Avranches. [78] In Paris, the conspirators arrested over 1,200 SS and SD members, and after the assassination attempt failed, Stülpnagel and Caesar von Hofacker met with Kluge at his headquarters in La Roche-Guyon. [17] On 5 June, at the commencement of Fall Rot ("Case Red"), the second phase of the invasion plan, Kluge's 4th Army helped achieve the first breakthrough at Amiens and reached the Seine River on 10 June. [57] On 12 July, the Red Army launched Operation Kutuzov, its counter-offensive against the Orel salient, which threatened the flank and rear of Model's 9th Army. [51][52] As the planning and preparations continued, in late April Model met with Hitler to express his concerns about strong defensive positions being established by the Red Army in his sector. Günther Adolf Ferdinand (von) Kluge (* 30. Von Kluge verließ am Morgen des 15. [74] In his final order as OB West commander, Kluge issued a full-scale retreat eastward on 16 August. Oktober 1976) diente in beiden Weltkriegen. Er wurde in seiner Jugend auf Grund seiner besonderen geistigen Fähigkeiten auf der Kadettenschule von seinen Freunden in Anlehnung an ein damals sehr bekanntes „rechnendes“ Pferd der kluge Hans genannt. The operation eliminated the Rzhev salient shortening the German lines by 370 km (230 mi) miles. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt versuchte Hitler vergebens, von Kluge im Hauptquartier des OB West telefonisch aus Berlin zu erreichen, um schnellstmöglich eine Entscheidung über das weitere Vorgehen in der Normandie herbeizuführen. Nach Kriegsende wurde er in die Reichswehr übernommen, am 1. Hermann Göring | Die Beförderung zum General der Artillerie erfolgte am 1. But in my view, the situation could not be grimmer". [2] His father, Max von Kluge, was from an aristocratic Prussian military family. Nakon toga je kolebljivo učestvovao u zaveri protiv Hitlera [2] Kluge was one of two children, having a younger brother named Wolfgang (1892-1976). August: Auf der Fahrt ins Führerhauptquartier nimmt sich Hans Günther von Kluge mit einer Giftkapsel das Leben. Infanteriedivision nahm von Kluge 1917/18 an den Schlachten im Artois und in Flandern teil, wobei die Division hohe Verluste erlitt und er selbst im Oktober 1918 bei Verdun schwer verwundet wurde. By 28 July, the operation succeeded in breaking through German lines, and resistance to the Americans was disorganized. Manstein und Zeitzler standen allerdings nicht allein. Von Kluge schrieb Hitler in einem Abschiedsbrief am 19. Armee sowie verschiedener Heeresgruppen. Juli hieß es im Kriegstagebuch des OB West, Hans Günther von Kluge: "An der gesamten Kampffront keine größeren Kampfhandlungen". [62], In July 1944, Kluge was appointed OB West (Commander of the German Army in the West) after his predecessor, Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, was dismissed for remarking that the war was lost. Armee an der Operation Barbarossa teil. Army Group Centre was to provide Model's 9th Army to form the northern pincer. Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. Much to Hoepner's displeasure, Kluge instructed him to pause the advance as his units were needed to prevent break-outs of Soviet forces. Hans Günther von Kluge werd geboren op 30 oktober 1882 te Posen in West-Pruisen (tegenwoordig Poznan in Polen) en was de zoon van een Pruisische luitenant-generaal. [66] Lacking the resources to hold the front, German units launched desperate counterattacks to escape entrapment, while Kluge sent reinforcements, comprising elements of the 2nd and 116th panzer divisions, westward in hopes of avoiding total collapse; in fierce engagements, his forces suffered heavy losses in men and tanks that he could not replace. 20. Günther von Kluge war der Sohn des 1913 in den erblichen Adelsstand erhobenen Generalmajors Max Kluge und trat am 22. Erwin Rommel | August, von Kluge seines Postens zu entheben und Model einzusetzen. The crisis was averted by the Munich Agreement on 30 September 1938. [46] By mid-April, amid poor weather and with the German forces exhausted and in need of refitting, the offensives were postponed. Then after receiving another "gift" from Hitler, he changed his mind and decided to remain loyal. Juli 1940 ernannte Hitler ihn – zusammen mit elf weiteren Generalen – zum Generalfeldmarschall. [28], On 17 November, the 4th Panzer Group again attacked towards Moscow alongside the V Army Corps of the 4th Army, as part of the continuation of Operation Typhoon by Army Group Centre. August 1944 SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer und Generaloberst der Waffen-SS, ein und bestimmte Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring und Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model als von Kluges mögliche Nachfolger, falls dieser nicht zurückkehrte. He remained in the Reichswehr following the conflict, becoming a colonel in 1930, major general in 1933, and lieutenant general a year later. [75] When he was recalled to Berlin for a meeting with Hitler, Kluge was convinced he had been implicated in the 20 July plot and opted to commit suicide on 19 August using potassium cyanide. Im Jahr darauf wurde er Chef des Stabes der 1. Das Ehepaar bekam drei Kinder: Günther, Ester und Marie Louise. Seine Idee, den Kursker Frontbogen im Frühjahr 1943 durch einen Zangenangriff abzuschneiden, überzeugte vor allem den Oberbefehlshaber der Heeresgruppe Mitte, Generalfeldmarschall Hans Günther von Kluge. 19 sierpnia 1944 na autostradzie w okolicach Metzu) – feldmarszałek Wehrmachtu, dowódca sił niemieckich na froncie zachodnim po lądowaniu w Normandii Pochodzenie. I.D.teil. Die 4. Vorschau/Impressum . [75] The Allies did not capture Falaise until later that same day, leaving a 24 km (15 mi)-gap between Canadian and American forces—known as the Falaise Gap. Im Deutsch-Sowjetischen Krieg führte von Kluge die 4. [47][48], On 15 April, Hitler and the OKH issued a new operational order, which called for the offensive codenamed Zitadelle ("Citadel"), to begin on 3 May or shortly thereafter against the Kursk salient. Am 19. [2] During the Sudetenland Crisis, he was a member of a secret anti-war faction lead by Ludwig Beck and Ernst von Weizsäcker, hoping to avoid armed conflict over the disputed territory. [29] A lack of tanks, insufficient motor transport, and a precarious supply situation, along with tenacious Red Army resistance, and the air superiority achieved by Soviet fighters hampered the attack. Klasse, Träger des Bayerischen Militärverdienstordens (IV. Als vorläufigen Befehlshaber der Heeresgruppe B setzte Hitler Paul Hausser, seit 1. Obwohl er zunächst schwankte, verweigerte er sich einer Teilnahme am geplanten Umsturz, als er von Hitlers Überleben erfuhr. [37], On 30 October 1942, Kluge received a letter of good wishes from Hitler together with a cheque for a half-million Reichsmarks [b][38] made out to him from the German treasury. Reinforcements were moved west by Field Marshal Günther von Kluge and employed in various counterattacks, the largest of which (codenamed Operation Lüttich) was launched on 7 August between Mortain and Avranches. Walther von Brauchitsch | März 1943 geplante, Niedersächsische Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. [33], After Fedor von Bock was relieved of his command of Army Group Center on 18 December, Kluge was promoted to replace him. Na een opleiding aan de Kriegsakademie werkte Von Kluge vanaf 1913 als luitenant in dienst van de generale staf in Berlijn.. Tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog was Günther von Kluge dus stafofficier. Weltkrieg nahm er als Hauptmann und als Generalstabsoffizier im XXI. Am 18. Although Kluge was not an active conspirator in the 20 July plot, in the aftermath of the failed coup he committed suicide on 19 August 1944, after having been recalled to Berlin for a meeting with Hitler. Klasse), Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, deutscher Offizier, zuletzt Generalfeldmarschall im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb | Fedor von Bock | Ferdinand Schörner | So viele, dass wir hier nur eine kleine Auswahl treffen können. Henning von Tresckow, sein Erster Generalstabsoffizier, bemühte sich, allerdings nur mit geringem Erfolg, von Kluge auf die Seite des militärischen Widerstands gegen den Nationalsozialismus zu ziehen. Dies geht nicht nur aus Lagebeurteilungen hervor, die Kluge im Juni 1943 vor- Günther Adolf Ferdinand von Kluge, conocido como Günther von Kluge (Posen, Imperio alemán; 30 de octubre de 1882 - Metz, Francia; 19 de agosto de 1944), apodado "Kluger Hans" (equivalente a Juan el listo, juego de palabras en alemán, pues klug significa listo, inteligente), fue un militar alemán con el grado de Mariscal de Campo de la Wehrmacht Wilhelm List | Dezember 1941 wurde von Kluge als Nachfolger Fedor von Bocks zum Oberbefehlshaber der Heeresgruppe Mitte ernannt; einen Tag später übernahm er den Oberbefehl. In September 1941, Kluge issued an order to his troops aimed at restoring discipline. [13], Launched on 10 May, Case Yellow began successfully. In the aftermath of the battle, Hoepner and Guderian blamed Kluge's slow commitment of the 4th Army's south flank to the attack for the German failure to reach Moscow. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern - 1914 EK I [21] On 4 July, the Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH) ("High Command") subordinated the 2nd and the 3rd Panzer Groups to Kluge, to improve coordination between the fast charging armoured spearheads and the slower infantry. Bei der Trauerfeier waren keine politischen Würdenträger anwesend. Von Kluge führte beim Überfall auf Polen und im Westfeldzug die 4. Armee-Korps. Walter von Reichenau | [53], Hitler called his senior officers and advisors to Munich for a meeting on 4 May. 1913 wurde er als Oberleutnant in den Großen Generalstab versetzt, am 1. Juli 1944 – also einen Monat nach Beginn der Operation Overlord – zum Oberbefehlshaber West (Abk. Es ist nicht bekannt, wer das veranlasst hatte und wohin der Leichnam gebracht wurde. In two weeks' fighting, the German forces advanced 60 km (37 mi) (4 km (2.5 mi) per day). August 1936. 1936 war von Kluge als Kommandierender General des VI. Günther von Kluge | In der Geschichte gab es viele große Schlachten und Kriege. Armee, darunter General der Panzertruppe Heinrich Eberbach, direkt an der Frontlinie. [18], Kluge commanded the 4th Army at the opening of Operation Barbarossa as part of Army Group Centre. Erhard Milch | August 1944 bei Verdun; auch bekannt als Hans Günther von Kluge) war ein deutscher Heeresoffizier (seit 1940 Generalfeldmarschall) und während des Zweiten Weltkrieges Oberbefehlshaber der 4. [41], For much of 1942 and early 1943, Army Group Centre was engaged in positional warfare around the Rzhev salient defending against Red Army offensives, collectively known as the Battles of Rzhev. Wegen eines alliierten Luftangriffs, bei dem die Funkverbindung unterbrochen und einige seiner Begleiter getötet wurden, gelang es ihm nicht, zu dem geplanten Treffen zu kommen. On the evening of 12 July, Hitler summoned Kluge and Manstein to his headquarters at Rastenburg in East Prussia, where he announced the cancellation of Citadel. [77] As remnants of Army Group B fled eastward, the Allies advanced without opposition through undefended territory. Mai 1892 - 30. [34][35] Bitter fighting continued in Army Group Center's sector in the winter and early spring, with neither side being able to make much headway. Wilhelm Keitel | Wolfgang von Kluge (5. Albert Kesselring | Erwin von witzleben schlachten und kriege. [54] Kluge spoke out strongly against postponement and discounted Model's reconnaissance materials. Seine Ehefrau Mathilde hatte das Böhner Gut von ihrem Onkel Robert von Briesen geerbt. 1899–1902: Zweiter Burenkrieg: 1899, 20. Kluge heiratete 1907 Mathilde von Briesen (1885–1965). The offensive came to a halt 15 km (9.3 mi) from Avaranches, primarily due to Allied air superiority, leaving German units vulnerable to entrapment. Tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog diende hij als kapitein bij de Generale Staf. [67], In the last days of July, the German army in Normandy had been reduced to such a poor state by Allied offensives that Kluge could no longer sustain a viable defensive position in Normandy; he had no prospects for reinforcements in the wake of Operation Bagration, the Soviet summer offensive against Army Group Centre, and very few Germans believed they could salvage victory. Armee. Nahe dem Ort Böhne, Provinz Brandenburg, wurde er am 1. [64] Five days later, Rommel was wounded when a Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Spitfire strafed his staff car, causing the vehicle to veer off the road; Kluge succeeded him in command of Army Group B while retaining his other post. [2] He served on the General Staff between 1910 and 1918, reaching the rank of captain on the Western Front during the First World War. Armee sowie verschiedener Heeresgruppen. [16] Overextended and well ahead of the army group, the 5th and 7th Panzer Divisions fended off a joint British-French counterattack near the town of Arras on 21 May. [2] Adolf Hitler's proclamation of the Wehrmacht in 1935 precipitated his appointment to the 6th Corps and then the 6th Army Group, which subsequently became the 4th Army. Er kämpfte an der Westfront in der Zweiten Flandernschlacht und wurde in der Schlacht um Verdun schwer verwundet. Günther "Hans" von Kluge, född 30 oktober 1882 i Posen, död 19 augusti 1944, var en tysk militär; general av artilleriet 1 december 1935, generalöverste 1 oktober 1939 och generalfältmarskalk den 19 juli 1940. After severe criticism from his chief of staff, Henning von Tresckow, who upbraided him for corruption, he agreed to meet Carl Friedrich Goerdeler, an opponent of the Nazi regime, in November 1942. Schon in der Planungsphase gab es Differenzen mit Hitler. Liste von Kriegen und Schlachten im 20. Oktober 1882 in Posen; † 19. Kluge was replaced by Field Marshal Walter Model. Damit war für Hitler die Grenze der Geduld erreicht. Although perhaps 100,000 Germans managed to escape, 10,000 were killed and another 40,000–50,000 were captured. Werner von Blomberg | [76] By 22 August, the gap—desperately maintained by the Germans to allow their trapped forces to escape—was completely sealed, ending the Battle of Normandy with a decisive Allied victory. März 1901, aus der Kadettenanstalt kommend, als Leutnant in das Niedersächsische Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. Auf seinen Wunsch wurde er erdbestattet. Nach dem Durchbruch der Allied Expeditionary Force in der Normandie in der Operation Cobra beauftragte Hitler von Kluge mit einem Gegenangriff, dem Unternehmen Lüttich, der am späten Nachmittag des 6. At the time, 500,000 Reichsmarks were worth approximately $200,000 US dollars or £50,000. Klasse), Träger des Österreichischen Militärverdienstkreuzes III. Oktober 1943 zwang von Kluge zu einer längeren Erholungspause. Jahrhundert. Die bis … April 1923 zum Major ernannt und am 1. Seine Verteidigungsmethoden galten und gelten als durchdacht. Born into a Prussian military family in Posen now Poznań, Poland in 1882, Kluge was a staff officer with the rank of captain by 1916 at the Battle of Verdun. [27] Hoepner did not seem to appreciate that his units were very short on fuel; the 11th Panzer Division reported having no fuel at all. August 1944 eröffnet wurde. Friedrich Paulus | Generalfeldmarschall Günther von Kluge - Lexikon der Wehrmacht Erfahren Sie alles über militärische Landfahrzeuge, Flugzeuge und Kriegsschiffe sowie Waffensysteme und Befestigungsanlagen. [22] [23] Kluge had to give up all but his two infantry corps; his other corps were assigned to the 2nd Army, which had previously been held in reserve. Günther Hans von Kluge (ur. Walter model schlachten und kriege Walters Modell kaufen - Hier zum besten Angebo . It stated that it was "high time to put a complete end to the unjustified methods of obtaining supplies, the raids, the plundering trips over vast distances, all the senseless and criminal activity". Erwin von Witzleben | Bücher bei Weltbild.de: Jetzt Günther von Kluge und der Angriff auf Moskau 1941 versandkostenfrei online kaufen bei Weltbild.de, Ihrem Bücher-Spezialisten! Günther Adolf Ferdinand (von) Kluge (* 30. Panzerarmee. Clausewitz ist das Magazin für Miltärgeschichte und -technik. [14] A river crossing, spearheaded by 7th Panzer commander Erwin Rommel, established a bridgehead on the west bank of the Meuse on 13 May and forced the French 9th Army into retreat. Ernst Busch | The resulting formation provided unity on paper; in reality, the Panzer group commanders often bristled at Kluge's orders and Guderian and Kluge detested each other personally. [50] Army Group South's 4th Panzer Army and Army Detachment Kempf would drive north to meet the 9th Army east of Kursk. Wortführer gegenüber Hitler war in diesem Zusammenhang vor allem Ernst Kaltenbrunner, der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD. He commanded the 4th Army of the Wehrmacht during the invasion of Poland in 1939 and the Battle of France in 1940, earning a promotion to Generalfeldmarschall. [70] Kluge could only muster four depleted Panzer divisions by the time operations commenced on 7 August. [20], On 29 June, Kluge ordered that women in uniform were to be shot, in line with the Nazi ideological worldview.

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