louis iv france

He was named Louis Dieudonné (Louis the God-given) and also bore the traditional title of French heirs apparent: Dauphin.At the time of his birth, his parents had been married for 23 years. What made King Louis XIV an absolute monarch is that he had unchecked control over the French government and answered to no one but God. His parents were Louis VIII, King of France and Queen Blanche of Castile. The death of his maternal uncle King Philip IV of Spain, in 1665, precipitated the War of Devolution. In 946 he was imprisoned by Hugh, but was released after Otto I and Louis grandfather had pressured Hugh. 24/7 Support. He inherited the throne with his mother acting as his regent for the initial years. Louis IV, King of France, surnamed "d'Outremer " (Transmarinus), was the son of Charles the Simple . Ludwig war der Sohn König Karls III. He was Capetian king of France from 1226 to 1270. Louis IV (September 920 / September 921 ��� 10 September 954), called d'Outremer or Transmarinus (both meaning "from overseas"), reigned as king of West Francia from 936 to 954. He became king in 1643. Louis proved not to be the puppet monarch that Hugh had anticipated; he even moved from Paris to Laon to avoid Hugh’s influence. Louis XIV (Louis Dieudonné; 5 September 1638 – 1 September 1715), known as Louis the Great (Louis le Grand) or the Sun King (le Roi Soleil), was King of France from 14 May 1643 until his death in 1715. Louis was born on 5 September 1638 at St Germain-en-Laye. When Hugh and Herbert of Vermandois seized Reims and attacked Laon in 940, Louis valiantly defended his city; but because of Louis’s earlier interference in Lorraine the German king, Otto I, sent aid to the rebels. Louis IV, King of France, surnamed "d'Outremer " (Transmarinus), was the son of Charles the Simple. Das Heer der beiden Könige konnte Laon, Senlis, Paris und Rouen nicht einnehmen, doch gelang ihnen die Eroberung von Reims, wo sie den vertriebenen Erzbischof Artold wieder einsetzten. 949 konnte Ludwig die Stadt Laon in einem nächtlichen Überraschungsangriff zurückerobern; nur die Zitadelle blieb in der Hand von Hugos Kräften. Louis IV, dit « d'Outremer » (né entre septembre 920 et septembre 921 ��� 10 septembre 954, Reims), fils de Charles III le Simple et d' Edwige de Wessex, est un roi des Francs (936 - 954) de la dynastie carolingienne. Damit wurde Ludwig faktisch auf die Rolle eines nominellen Königs reduziert und der Robertiner beanspruchte eine Stellung, die mit derjenigen der karolingischen Hausmeier im späten Merowingerreich vergleichbar war. A member of the Carolingian dynasty, he was the only son of king Charles the Simple and Eadgifu of Wessex, daughter of King Edward the Elder of Wessex. found: Britannica, 15th ed., v. 6, p. 343 (Louis IV d'Outremer; b. He spent his youth as an exile in England, but at the death of King Raoul he was recalled by the nobles under the leadership On his way from Laon to Reims he hunted a wolf, fell from his horse and died from inner injuries. Damit war Hugo nicht mehr nur, wie frühere Robertiner, als Markgraf und Graf für große Gebiete zuständig, in denen dem König kein direktes Eingreifen mehr möglich war, sondern er stand „in allen Reichen“, also in sämtlichen Teilen des Westfrankenreichs, zwischen dem König und den nachrangigen Vasallen. Mazarin and Lionne, however, made the renunciation conditional on the full payment of a Spanish dowry of 500,000 é��� Lowest Rates Guaranteed. Corrections? He was a member of the Carolingian dynasty, the son of Charles III and Eadgifu of England, a daughter of King Edward the Elder. À la suite du détrônement de son père en 922, avec sa mère il se réfugie en Angleterre (c'est de cette situation qu'il tire son surnom). From http://www.britannica.com/biography/Louis-IV-king-of-France. Né en 921, il est le fils du roi Charles III le Simple et d'Edwige de Wessex, une princesse anglo-saxonne. He married Gerberga von Sachsen (913-969) 939. Notable ancestors include Charlemagne (747-814), Alfred the … Im Herbst 946 zog ein großes Heer Ottos nach Westen und vereinte sich mit den Ludwig treuen Kräften. In 939 he married Gerberga, the sister of King Otto I, the future Holy Roman emperor. Rudolph's ally, a Carolingian himself, Count Herbert II of Vermandois, took Charles captive by treachery and the young Louis's mother took the boy "over the sea" to the safety of England, hence his nickname. 929 starb Karl in der Haft. He was born in the royal family to Louis XIII but could not enjoy much of the lavish life as his father passed away when he was just four. On June 19th he was crowned King in Laon. In 953 the two reconciled in Soissons. For his release Louis had to hand over Laon. Am 19. Louis XIV, also popularly known as the Sun King (5 September 1638–1 September 1715) was the King of France and King of Navarre from 14 May 1643 until his death. In 936 Duke Hugh "the Great" called him back to France. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Louis-IV-king-of-France. In consequence of the imprisonment of his father in 922, his mother Odgiva (Eadgyfu), sister of the English king Aethelstan, fled Im Gegenzug musste er Hugo eine einzigartige Sonderstellung im Reich einräumen. Er unternahm 940 einen Feldzug ins Westfrankenreich, um Ludwig zu bestrafen. und sicherte sich ein gutes Verhältnis zu Otto dem Großen, dessen Schwester Hadwig er heiratete, nachdem seine englische Frau, Ludwigs Tante, gestorben war. Nunmehr waren sowohl König Ludwig als auch sein Gegenspieler Hugo der Große mit Otto verschwägert und Otto konnte eine Schiedsrichterrolle zwischen den beiden Rivalen einnehmen und für ein Machtgleichgewicht zwischen ihnen sorgen. He was only 12 years old when he became king. Louis IV of France, born 921, died 10 Sep 954, Reims, Marne, France, bur. Updates? Nonetheless, Louis VI managed to reinforce his power considerably and became one of the first strong kings of France since the death of Charlemagne in 814. Louis IX of France was not like that. Louis IV, King of France, surnamed "d'Outremer " (Transmarinus), was the son of Charles the Simple. Upon becoming the de facto ruler of France after the death of Cardinal Mazarin, Louis implemented a wide range of reforms to make his country financially and militarily strong. [edit]Rise to the throne He was crowned king at Laon by Artald, archbishop of Rheims, on Sunday 19 June 936. Louis IV (920 – September 10, 954), was king of France from 936 to 954. Hugo erhielt den eigens für ihn geschaffenen Rang eines „Herzogs der Franken“ (dux Francorum), und bereits in einer Königsurkunde von 936 stellte Ludwig fest, er handle auf den Rat „unseres geliebtesten Hugo, des Frankenherzogs, der in allen unseren Reichen der Zweite nach uns ist“. Dadurch schien sich dem Karolinger eine Chance zu bieten, das karolingische Stammland Lothringen, das nach der Entmachtung Karls des Einfältigen in den Hoheitsbereich des ostfränkischen Reichs geraten war, zurückzugewinnen. Königin Gerberga sah sich gezwungen, Laon einem Vasallen Hugos zu übergeben. Louis IV of France synonyms, Louis IV of France pronunciation, Louis IV of France translation, English dictionary definition of Louis IV of France. Hugo, dessen Vater Robert I. bereits Westfrankenkönig gewesen war, hätte selbst nach der Krone greifen können, zog es aber vor, zur Karolingerdynastie zurückzukehren, die durch Karls Schicksal einen schweren Macht- und Ansehensverlust erlitten hatte. Seine Truppen verschanzten sich in den Städten. Louis IV d'Outre-Mer, Roi de France, in Lundy, Darryl. He married Gerberga von Sachsen (913-969) 939. Notable ancestors include ��� A member of the Carolingian dynasty, he was the only son of king Charles the Simple and Eadgifu of Wessex, daughter of King Edward the Elder of Wessex. They were parents to eight children: Lothair of France (941-986) Mathilde b. about 943; married Conrad of Burgundy Hildegarde b. about 944 Carloman b. about 945 Louis b. about 948 Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine (953-993) Alberade b. before 953 Henri b. about 953 [edit]Death Louis IV fell from his horse and died September 10, 954, at Rheims, in the Marne, and is interred there at Saint Rémi Basilica. Louis proved not to be the puppet monarch that Hugh had anticipated; he even moved from Paris to Laon to avoid Hugh’s influence. LOUIS IV. 1 They fought together against Hugh "the Black," but the peace contract the two Hugh's signed opened Louis' eyes about the role his friend had appointed for him - the role of Hugh's marionette. Louis XIII was the Son of Henri IV and Marie de' Medici and the father of Louis XIV. In 945, while intervening in Norman politics, Louis was captured and handed over to Hugh, who imprisoned him for a year until Louis surrendered his main base of Laon. Louis XIV married his cousin (on both sides) Maria Theresa of Spain, the Spanish Infanta, at Saint-Jean-de-Luz in 1660. In the fall of 939 he married the seven years older sister of Emperor Otto I, Gerberge. In den ersten Monaten seiner Regierung war Ludwig völlig von Hugo dem Großen abhängig und musste ihn auf einem erfolgreichen Feldzug gegen Hugo den Schwarzen von Burgund begleiten, wobei Hugo der Große sich nordburgundische Gebiete und insbesondere die Stadt Sens aneignete. In consequence of the imprisonment of his father in 922, his mother Odgiva (Eadgyfu), sister of the English king Aethelstan, fled to England with the young Louis -- a circumstance to which he owes his surname. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Geni requires JavaScript! Louis IV, byname Louis d’Outremer (Louis from Overseas), (born 921—died Sept. 10, 954, Reims, France), king of France from 936 to 954 who spent most of his reign struggling against his powerful vassal Hugh the Great. (921-954), king of France, surnamed "d'Outremer" (Transmarinus), was the son of Charles III. Louis XIII, King of France, 1615 . Louis IV Carolingian from Overseas, King of Western Francia, was born circa 10 September 920 in London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom to Charles the Simple (879-929) and Eadgifu of Wessex (902-aft955) and died 30 September 954 in Reims, France of unspecified causes. Ludwig nutzte diese Gelegenheit, um in der Normandie einzugreifen und dort seine königliche Autorität militärisch geltend zu machen. He was born in the royal family to Louis XIII but could not enjoy much of the lavish life as his father passed away when he was just four. When Louis's father, Charles III the Simple, was imprisoned in 923, his mother, Eadgifu, daughter of the Anglo-Saxon king Edward the Elder, took Louis to England. Louis IV is regarded as the greatest of the early Capetian monarchs, though in terms of the medieval era as a whole, he ��� Only the eldest, Louis de France, known as Le Grand Dauphin, would survive to adulthood Louis entered into open rebellion against his father in a short-lived revolt known as the Praguerie in 1440. the Simple.In consequence of the imprisonment of his father in 922, his mother Odgiva (Eadgyfu), sister of the English king lEthelstan, fled to England with the young Louis - … Louis XIV, le roi soleil, le bâtisseur de Versailles est le plus fameux souverain de l���histoire ! In 1685, the devoutly Catholic king revoked the Edict of Nantes, issued by his grandfather Henry IV in 1598, which had granted freedom of worship and other rights to French Protestants (known as Huguenots).

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